About WebHostingMedia.net
We are a small web development and marketing company located in Hungary. We create stunning websites for our clients and also develop useful online properties that are used daily by thousands of users.
One of our project is WebHostingMedia.net. This website is like our child: we take care of it on daily basis, “feed” it with fresh content, “teach” it to do new things, it needs constant attention and dedication. Overall this project eats up a lot of our time and effort.
We have created WebHostingMedia to educate people who are on the way to start their first website. Here you will find lots of great tutorials and guides to help you get started with your online project. A website can not properly function without a great hosting service, therefor we have allocated a good amount of budget to test hosting companies. From our tests and personal experience we have created our reviews and built up a top list of best web hosting providers.
How is WebHostingMedia different?
Although we receive a small commission from some of the companies we review, our goal is to provide a honest opinion and detailed information on each firm.
When you are looking for web hosting service online, you will find lots of websites providing general information about particular hosting firms. These will not help you at all. You want to know the opinion of someone who has already used that particular service and don’t want to read again and again the same information that you will find anyway on the official website.
Here comes WebHostingMedia in your attention: we try to test as many hosting providers as we can and make a subjective review of that service. We will tell you what we liked or disliked about a hosting provider. Non of them is perfect, so those websites where you see only five stars rating are lying! Each hosting company has problems, some of them are willing to do the necessary change, while others will not even care. By reading our reviews, you will find which are the good hosting companies and which you should avoid at all cost.
Your Opinion Matters!
We are happy to hear your opinion. If you are willing to share your experience you can write a customer review on the hosting company’s review page you have experience with (you will have to provide your name, email and website so we can verify your existence), or if you want to be interviewed submit a request via this contact form.
How you can Support WebHostingMedia?
There are many ways you can support us and our project. The simplest and easiest way is to credit us with a link from your website. Simply mention us on your home-page, blog or resource page if you found our website useful.
If you are a tech blogger, writer, journalist, expert in website building including but not limited to WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or other, and you would like to share your view, thoughts, experience with our audience, please contact us via the above mentioned contact form and let’s see how we can publish your article.
Last but not least, you can purchase web hosting and other services through our website. From the commissions that we receive we will improve the website, create new articles and tutorials, and test new hosting companies.
Thanks for taking the time to read this page.